Fox Rox Wah Retrofit
Did you ever notice that your Wah Wah pedal doesn\'t cut it when plugged into other effects, such as the Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face, or Fuzz Face clone? This is something that has annoyed guitarists since the late 60\'s.
Foxrox Electronics is proud to offer the ideal remedy to this problem. The Foxrox Wah Retrofit is a self-contained JFET buffer/amp circuit that gets installed into your Wah Wah pedal, giving it the ability to cut through any Fuzz Face or Fuzz Face clone. By essentially installing a "real" output section, the Wah Wah pedal becomes immune to the effects of loading, restoring range and depth to older, vintage Wah wah pedals without affecting their vintage value. Newer, high-end "boutique" wah pedals, such as Teese RMC pedals also benefit from this mod because they are based on the same, classic inductor-based circuit. Since it is a basic JFET audio buffer/amplifier, this circuit can also be added to effects pedals that need more output, as well as effects that need more drive at the input. NOTE: A Teese RMC wah with the Foxrox Wah Retrofit, going into a Captain Coconut (1 or 2) is guaranteed to deliver the best wah/fuzz/vibe/octave sounds you\'ve ever heard!
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